HAZMAT are some of the most complicated products to ship. They require heaps of regulation and are often the most expensive to transport because of the sensitive nature of the materials involved.
Landstar business capacity owners
Landstar trailers available for drop & hook
Vetted & approved third-party carriers
What HAZMAT does Jansson LLC specialize in shipping?
As a Landstar agent, Jansson benefits from its affiliation with one of the largest and safest truckload carriers in the nation. Our fleet of independent carriers and drivers can handle a wide variety of hazardous materials, including the following:
Our people are experienced intermodal professionals who will work with you to determine your specific intermodal transport requirements and then manage each shipment from dispatch to delivery.
We enforce strict qualification and compliance requirements on its leased independent owner-operators, going above and beyond the requirements of most state and federal laws.
Therefore, our drivers are also appropriately insured and covered for Hazardous materials shipment.
We understand the unique requirements of hazmat logistics, and can pair your product with the right driver specifically.
We can figure out the right solution that is most compatible with your capacity and the commodities you’re transporting.
HAZMAT certification is mandatory for all independent owner-operators affiliated with Landstar, ensuring their ongoing compliance and expertise in handling hazardous materials.
In Addition, we consistently monitor regulatory changes so we can assist shippers with any questions they may have.
Contact Jansson LLC about your Hazardous materials shipment, and we’ll bring all our resources to bear to get it to your destination.